As we approach our centennial year, complexities of the modern world demand that we go beyond what was once deemed necessary for excellence in boys’ education. Our bold and forward-looking ten-year Strategic Plan is designed to respond to our changing world and think well into the future.
We invite you to journey through our Strategic Plan starting with the video below:


In a world that demands ambitious action and bold thinking, St. George's School is ready to hold a different place within our community and beyond.

Our new Strategic Plan reflects our responsibility to graduate young men ready to do good in our world. It honours the best of our history and traditions while affirming our commitment to excellence in education and future readiness as a modern boys' school.

To Journey With Us Through Our Strategic Plan,
Please Click On The Button Below.

About St. George's

Founded in 1930, St. George’s School is a leading independent day and boarding school for boys. In our community, students develop the skills to uncover their unique potential. They graduate as life-long learners and leaders along the many paths they choose.

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Watch The Livestream Of Our Winter Concert: Rhapsody In Blue

The Senior School Winter Concert: Rhapsody In Blue, took place on December 10th in the Auditorium. It was a fantastic opportunity for our talented Jazz Ensembles and Concert Bands to showcase their talent and hard work this term. A highlight of the concert was a piano solo by renowned pianist Ian Parker, who performed George Gershwin’s iconic masterpiece Rhapsody in Blue — a stunning work that blends classical and jazz elements in a breathtaking display of musical mastery. If you missed the concert or simply wish to watch it again, please click here to view the Livestream.

Congratulations to all of the students for sharing a fantastic evening of music with the school community!

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St. George’s School

St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

Contributions to St. George's School Foundation are eligible for tax receipts as prescribed by Canadian law. St. George's School Foundation's Charitable Registration Number is: 11917-5511 RR0001.
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