
Mission, Vision, Values

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Building Fine Young Men. One Boy at a Time.

Our Mission is to inspire our students to become fine young men who will shape positive futures for themselves, their families, and the global community. Through a broad and inclusive program, our students will be educated and prepared for life. They will possess a solid knowledge base in a wide range of disciplines, as well as core academic skills combined with 21st-century global skills. During their time at Saints, they will also develop key virtues such as empathy, humility, integrity, resilience, respect, and responsibility. They will be inspired to become good men!

Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

Since its founding in 1930, character education has always been integral to St. George’s School. One of the actions arising from our new Strategic Plan was to develop and affirm a list of core values. In the fall of 2011, we did this by means of a collaborative process involving all stakeholder groups and securing input by means of surveys and small group discussions. Having adopted our list of core values, we currently are developing a comprehensive plan to infuse them through the St. George’s community.

Canada's World School for Boys

Our Vision is to be recognized as Canada's World School for Boys. We aspire to be an internationally significant school that will graduate young men with a global outlook to meet the challenges of a complex and rapidly changing world. Through its diversity, our student body will be more representative of the larger world beyond our campus.

List of 6 items.

  • Empathy

    Empathy is the ability to move beyond ourselves, to identify with others, and to walk a mile in another's shoes.
  • Humility

    Humility is the ability to be humble, not to be big-headed or boastful, and to recognize that we all still have a lot to learn.
  • Integrity

    Integrity is an extension of honesty; it is doing the right thing even if no one is watching.
  • Respect

    Respect is feeling regard and even admiration for yourself and for others; it is being thoughtful and considerate of others.
  • Responsibility

    Responsibility is being accountable, doing our best to meet our commitments, and to keep our word.
  • Resilience

    Resilience is an extension of courage. It’s the ability to recover quickly, and to not give up when beset by setbacks and disappointments.

Guiding Educational Principles

Since the School’s founding in 1930, the concept of the "well-rounded boy" has been the defining characteristic of a St. George’s education. Mindful of their ethical, intellectual, physical, and social development, we educate and support boys to achieve fulfilling lives, here and after graduation, to be lifelong learners, and to engage meaningfully in their communities.

We, therefore, are committed to:

List of 6 items.

  • Character Development

    The development of character with particular emphasis on values such as empathy, humility, integrity, respect, responsibility, and resilience.
  • Breadth of Program

    A rich and diverse educational experience rooted in the liberal arts tradition and embracing academics, the arts, athletics, outdoor education, service, and leadership.
  • Meeting the Learning Needs of Boys

    Varied, engaging, and research-based instructional practices acknowledging the diversity of learners, and meeting the learning needs of boys.
  • Core Academic and 21st Century Global Skills

    The development of key skills, including creativity and innovation, critical thinking and real-world problem-solving, communications, collaboration, and leadership.
  • Personal Wellness

    The strengthening of our students’ physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through mentorship and counselling, physical and health education, and an athletics program promoting active participation and healthy competition.
  • Continuous School Improvement

    A culture of continuous school improvement through which all are inspired to do their best.

Anglican Traditions

Founded in the Anglican tradition, St. George’s School has become largely secular over the years. However, the School has maintained certain elements of its religious heritage, in addition to its name (St. George is the patron saint of England) and the cross that is an integral part of our official crest and grant of arms. For example, at the Junior School, the School Prayer based on the words of St. Ignatius Loyola is recited every Tuesday morning in Assembly. At the Senior School, our annual Remembrance Day ceremony is led by an Anglican priest and features the Lord’s Prayer and a number of Christian hymns including the School Hymn, “For All the Saints.” It also is interesting to note the Senior School’s Remembrance Day ceremony always takes place on November 11th, even when that date falls on a Saturday or Sunday.


Sine Timore Aut Favore (Without Fear or Favour)

Our Motto reflects the School’s commitment to character education and highlights a set of Core Values: empathy, humility, integrity, respect, responsibility, and resilience. Our students view the School Motto as confirmation that they are valued as individuals here at St. George’s and that they can develop their own unique potential during their time at the School.

Armorial Bearings

In recognition of the broad contribution of St. George's School to Canada since 1930, we are proud to profile the Armorial Bearings granted to the School by the College of Heralds in London in 1984. The crest incorporates many aspects of the story of the School, but at its heart is a red and white shield that is derived from the St. George Cross, a design that can be traced to the very first crest the School used when it was founded.
  • Motto: Sine Timore aut Favore (Without Fear or Favour)
  • Crest: St. George slewing a dragon
  • Mantling: Red and white
  • Helmet: Reference to St. George the Knight
  • Shield of Arms: Red cross on white, with a green maple leaf
St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

Contributions to St. George's School Foundation are eligible for tax receipts as prescribed by Canadian law. St. George's School Foundation's Charitable Registration Number is: 11917-5511 RR0001.
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