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Chris Browes ‘96

Wide-ranging experience in financial services, technology sales and implementation, healthcare technology services, workflow change management, business management, equity markets, sales management, payment solutions and business development. Expertly practiced at working with decision makers from both public and private organizations of all sizes and with varied requirements. 

Holding dual British and Canadian citizenship, experience includes working in various capacities in business development, management, technology development and financial services since 1999; the payment processing industry since 2008; and extensive experience developing and deploying technology products in both the financial services and healthcare sectors. 

I am proud to have the chance to work with Georgians to help provide guidance and access to opportunities particularly for those pursuing entrepreneurship, sales or business development.  If anyone is interested in the payments space that would be even more in tune with my expertise.  
St. George’s School acknowledges that we are situated on the unceded traditional territory of the Musqueam First Nation.

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